Friday, May 28, 2010

Into the Spiral: Petnome Project

Hey everyone!

From Friendly's suggestion (and as an inevitable project much like ironhawk's guides), I've developed a nice little form for those who want to contribute to the results of mapping the Petnomes (term coined by our very own Miguel Wildthorn, whom I like to call the Mendel of Wizard101), I'd like to present to you, the Petnome Project.  Check it out and be part of the study!

If you'd like to genuinely help out and can *really* commit to working behind the scenes, please let me know!


  1. What do you mean by "working behind the scenes"? I tried to submit a few pet talents, and I probably will do more later. Great project, I think this will go far!

  2. Hey Kevin, I won't be able to help nearly as much as Friendly because I only have a few pets, but I would love to contribute to this wonderful guide that you've set up.

    Your friend,
    Blaze Silverfist

  3. @ Kestrel: By "behind the scenes," I mean players who help out with sorting the data, verifying if the skills submitted are actually true (something I'll explain more in detail to the study group), maintaining the database with me, creating and editing photos so we have visual displays of our results, etc. In other words, contributions to the overall project, rather than just through the form!

    @ Blaze: A few pets is more than enough pets :) Our pets differ from one another and many others, so every piece of the puzzle we find will lead to our success in solving the mysteries.


Let that thought out here: