Saturday, May 28, 2011

Audio Log (ALog) #1: Thoughts and Advice on "Official" Status

My deepest thoughts, perspective, insight, and reflection on the "Official" status ordeal that's been going on lately.  It is 1.5 hours long, but this is dedicated to the roots of our great community, to official sites, to non-official sites, to those annoyed, to those hurt, and to anyone else who is interested in what I have to share.

Thank you to Ronan Dawn for his friendship and support in encouraging me to get involved with the community back in April 2010.

Thank you to The Friendly Necromancer for his insight, advice, and background stories in-game, and support.

Thank you to Prophet Feik for the inspiration to contribute to any community, gaming or real-world.

Thank you to "KT" for their support and conversations as many of us dealt with current issues.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vlog #15: Sultan's Palace (5/25/11)

Sharing a video visual of the new Sultan's Palace, to arrive on the second Epic Bundle Gift Card.  Epic thanks to KingsIsle!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Vlog #14: Summer Battleblood Updates and News (5/23/11)

Topics: Blogging/Vlogging, PVP Videos/Commentary, secret projects, self-improvement, and a future "offer" from TPC.

Vlog #13: Saturday's PVP Workshop

Topics:  How PVP has changed since Wintertusk's arrival, and an analytical review of  the new spells!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wintertusk Checklist and Analysis

Wintertusk is coming out today!  Too bad for me, I'm stuck with studying for a final for Thursday... -_-  I'll try to manage my time best to maybe even squeeze in some time for Ravenwood Radio 40 tonight, but no promises!  We'll just have to see if I can plow through or avoid some unnecessary chapters...

BUT, nevertheless, I've created a personal checklist while playing the Test Realm to remind me of some in-game obligations and duties for the Live Realm (once I'm free from academic burden).  This list is made public to help some of you PvPers manage your time, decisions, and resources to efficient use:

Concept to Grasp
A new generation of PVP has arrived, with 15 new spells.  Eight are completely new utility spells, and seven are upgraded versions of existing spells.  Various mechanical changes have been implemented, such as Earthquake no longer removing Stun Blocks, but stunning spells providing just one Stun Block of protection, opposed to four.  To balance this, Stun Resist gear has been added to Dueling Diego's supplies.  Also, the gear that's dropped within the Waterworks dungeon is for Legendary Wizards (Lv. 60), and provides Universal Resistance regardless of school.  New Crafted Gear is also available, allowing for an expansion of many new strategies (which I'll extensively be exploring and developing over the next few months).  Level 58 pets will also take us into a new dimension of PVP with new abilities and unique Innate Cards.  An additional Training Point will be provided through a new Zeke's quest.

The following checklist will be completed before my Ice Wizard returns to the Arena:

  • New Spells
    • Obtain Level 35 spell (Legion Shield)
      • Great counter against Area of Effect (AOE)-Damage over Time (DoT) spells, allowing me to protect allies for an addition 30% resistance to next incoming damage.  Also helps me reduce damage for all allies if I can't make up my mind on who to protect.  A must have.
    • Learn an additional spell from Zeke's Trogg Finder quest.

  • New Items/Gear
    • Purchase Stun Resist Amulet from Dueling Diego
      • Replacing my Life Mastery Amulet, since Perfect Catch has vigorously trained and adapted to a Pip-building style before the Amulets were released; it shouldn't be unfamiliar territory.  I'll then have a 15% reduced chance of getting stunned.  Because stunning spells will provide just one Stun Block, the number of Chain-Stunners can be expected to increase.  Thus, having an innate chance of resisting a Stun can be advantageous against a team expecting to win by pure immobilization.  I would rather keep my Stellar Signet and Cosmic Kris for massive Incoming/Outgoing boosts to complement Spritely, so I will choose to stay at just 15% max Stun Resist (as opposed to 30%).
    • Stitch Wands
      • Personally craft one of the new weapons with help from someone who has access (going to port to them; thanks to Aiden for helping with clarification) to the wand recipes, stitch the Hammer of the Stone Sky to my "Banhammer" (a promo wand called the "Galvanic Hammer" from Beckett's).
        • This wand allows for a variety of AOE support spells such as Bladestorm (increase team's damage), Brilliant Light (increase team's recovery rate via casted spell/Spritely), Legion Shield (increase team's resistance), Unicorn (increase team's damage recovery), and Guidance (increase team's accuracy).  All these spells have 100% accuracy, so the chance to fizzle will be very low (given that there is a Smokescreen or Black Mantle upon us).
      • Will stitch my Lifeforce Sword to another model
        • Just for aesthetics
    • Repeat Waterworks with Perfect Catch until all members have their complete Legendary Gear before questing in Wintertusk.
      • Gear boosts will allow for faster questing (higher critical rating without sacrificing survival via resist)
      • Ronan's boots, hat, robe
      • Fallon's boots, hat, robe
      • Cassandra's boots, hat, robe
      • My boots, hat, robe
    • Create a new generation Perfect Catch Defender Pig, and research the Weakness talent more.  (Spell Proof, Spritely, Snow Shield/Weakness, Sharp-Shot)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

~HMD Rap~

Hey, Mothers of the Spiral, have a happy day!
For a single time in May, your kids will get away
With making you breakfast, with love that's steadfast,
Even though the kitchen may turn out to be a big mess.
We love how you smile when you taste our cookin'
Because it's not the quality within for what you're lookin'
But, rather, how much time, care, and sweat we've spent,
Or even how far we'll dive into a predicament
Just to show appreciation for the hours you've been wakin'
Standin', cooin', and checkin' our bottoms to see what we're makin',
And everythin' you've done to protect us from harm,
And washin', dryin', foldin' clothes so we'll stay warm,
And droppin' off our homework we forgot at home,
And for all the hard work, concern, and love you've shown.

Know that, though we'll grow up, and may start to rebel
That we'll still remember you caught us when we fell;
All those coupons you've sat around cutting to save,
Caring so much you forget to shave your legs,
Sharing your stories so we don't make the same mistakes
And ensuring that our every birthday has a cake.
For eight, nine, or ten months you've held us inside,
Eating and feeding -- all that lost exercise! --
It may take us awhile before we realize
Why, within the toy store, our pleas were denied:
So that you could buy us a bigger surprise;
We're sorry for all those silly times we've cried!
Every year, we hope to outdo ourselves
To make sure today is unique and swell.

Here's a big hug, a kiss, and a smile
For all the obstacles and all the trials,
All the hurdles you've jumped, and driven miles,
All those automated calls to the doctor dialed.
We're still here in the world, thanks to you,
There's no one that could ever match what you do.
So, even when we're twenty, thirty, forty, or fifty,
Despite our freedom, you're still a special lady,
Now let's break open these gifts, Battleblood is done;
Thank you so much, all you grandmas and mums!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ICH #3

"From His End."  A story of its own
Proportion, not expected to have grown
To extensive understanding and realization;
Still, it grows on without hesitation.
A story elongating in a wide gyre,
Only to stop when the author expires.
A single perspective, detailing events
That lead up to the "magical" moment,
While excavating secrets, truths, and history
Combined into a single identity.
"The Past is Gone"; another view
Of a parallel story with thoughts construed.
Inevitable intersection as a surprise,
The beginning starting with "Eyes."